Credit Products

various Credit products: Consumer loan, Mortgage, Auto loan, Installment, Credit card, Overdraft
various Credit products: Consumer loan, Mortgage, Auto loan, Installment, Credit card, Overdraft
This is a specialized bank card with multi currency accounts (several accounts in different currencies). You can accomplish any kinds of operation via plastic card - money transfer, withdrawal, exchange, etc.
Saving account is an indefinite term deposit that banks pay interest on. Frequency of transactions is unlimited on saving account. Generally, banks pay lower interests on saving accounts comparing to other types of deposits.
This is a specialized bank card with multi currency accounts (several accounts in different currencies). You can accomplish any kinds of operation via plastic card - money transfer, withdrawal, exchange, etc.
Every individual having borrowed money from the bank of other financial institution, has own credit history. You can find information on the database of the organization "CreditInfo Georgia".
Cumulative deposit is a term deposit, opened for a certain period of time with the fixed interest rate. Owner of the cumulative deposit, pays-in the additional money on top of the initial deposit amount.
Term deposit is the money paid-in the bank with the certain term, whereas interest rate is fixed. During the contractual period the initial capital cannot be increased.
This is a bank account of the customer, which is opened with an unlimited period of time and is used for various bank transactions, including depositing, withdrawing, transferring and exchange.
Credit Card is the hybrid creature of the two bank products - plastic card and consumer loan. This is bank product allowing the customers to purchase item or service, including via internet and/or withdraw cash from the ATM.
Overdraft is a short term loan, allowed on the card account of the costumer. Sometimes, overdraft is called thirteenth salary and is launched corresponding to the salary (as a rule, amount of overdraft is 90% of the salary, though in some banks it could be more than salary).