
Non-governmental organization "Society and Banks" was incorporated in 2013.  Presently population has improper impression and information regarding the banks and financial institution, and this a wide spread problem in the country. Thus, we consider it necessary to provide various active educational and other campaigns about the banks and bank products. Team of "Society and Banks" plans diverse campaigns, thought the entire country.

Company actively participates with other NGOs, media, banks and economic experts.  


Providing and establishing communication between the society and banks 


  • Developing of the financial education level in the country
  • Protecting the rights of customers
  • Communication with and information of the customers. Planning/accomplishing informational campaigns
  • Protecting of the interests of the customers and banks if the problem arises
  • Promotion of non-cash payment
  • Refining of legislation
  • Establishing of trust between the population and financial institutions